It is 30 minutes by Land Rover from the local airstrip to Naboisho Camp, unless it is your first time on safari, in which case it is a 2 hour drive. Or so we are told by the local guide who has driven out to meet the little propeller plane in which we have just traveled from Nairobi. At first, I can't quite work out what this slightly enigmatic statement might mean, but two minutes later, and a few hundred metres from the airstrip away, when we spot a group of giraffes and I am standing on the seat of the car, head out of the open roof, taking the first of what will be hundreds of giraffe pictures, the mystery is promptly solved. Another minute later with only a further ten metres driven, two bull elephants come crashing picturesquely through the undergrowth. Our guide stops and resignedly turns off the engine completely - 2 hours suddenly began to seem like an optimistic estimate...