Or, Banana-Chocolate-Marble-Spice Cake, or (my favourite name of all for it), Ballistically-Excited-Holiday-Food-Pre-Emption Cake. You see, at the time that this post is set to auto-publish, I will be about to touch down on the tropical island of Zanzibar! But, going back in time to (the present?), I’m still just sat at home in Qatar getting ridiculously excited about the whole trip. (Though not, of course, funnelling any of this excitement into the useful activity of packing. Because the only thing worse than packing is unpacking. But not to worry too much about unpacking just yet as that really is getting too far ahead). Instead of packing, and not entirely unpredictably, what I am doing is reading about Zanzibari food, and, in particular, how the rule of different colonising powers, as well as Zanizbar’s role in the spice trade, has resulted in a unique kind of island-fusion cuisine.